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Don’t sacrifice your retirement

While it’s natural to want to ensure your children’s financial security, regardless of their age, is it possible to do so without sacrificing your retirement situation?

To be or not to be the Executor

A good article for anyone who is asked to be an executor of a Will. It outlines the extensive duties the executor must fulfil and suggests the use of professionals.

An important conversation with your parents (and your kids)

Older people tend to be very private around subjects like their finances, estate planning and aged care, etc. This article provides information about what you should be discussing with an elderly relative (and your kids), and how to open a two-way conversation that puts everyone’s mind at rest.

Should you consider a testamentary trust?

An explanation of what a testamentary trust is and how it can be used as an estate planning tool.

The inflation effect on the value of savings

Inflation devalues the purchasing power of your money. How will inflation impact the value of your savings, particularly if you’re still being highly conservative and holding a large portion of your portfolio in cash waiting for the economy to ‘get back on track’?