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Protect your bank account from scammers

This article discusses the growing concern over scams in Australia, provides tips on how to protect oneself, and steps to take if you're scammed.

Millennials… is your retirement on track?

Like generations before them, many millennials are now buying, or at least trying to buy, homes and starting families of their own. And with this, the stark reality is that their retirement is looming just around the corner.

Aged Care – prepare for the unexpected

Recently retired couple, David and Erica, were fit and active and planning a sea-change when David suffered a stroke, leaving him unable to walk or speak.

Should I pay down my mortgage or invest?

It's always a good idea to regularly check in on your financial position. For those who find themselves with spare funds, it often raises the question, "should I pay down my home loan or invest these funds elsewhere?".

SMSF – The next generation

While self-managed super funds have long been the preserve of older Australians with time on their hands and large superannuation balances, recent data suggests that younger Australians are increasingly choosing to take direct control of their superannuation savings.