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Dollar cost averaging and investment

Over the last 100 years global share markets have experienced many major setbacks, including the Great Depression of the 1930s, several wars, the ‘crash of 1987’, and the Global Financial Crisis. But for every low, recovery has followed – they just take time.

Retirement, recession and the rising cost of living

As the cost of living and market uncertainty continues to rise, it’s no wonder less than 15% of pre-retirees expect their retirement lifestyle to be an improvement on their current lifestyle.

Investment outlook for 2023: Cautious with some optimism

The economic conditions ahead over the next few years and the implications for investment markets will be challenging.

Why is the Reserve Bank obsessed with inflation?

To understand why the RBA is obsessed with inflation, it’s important to understand that inflation is a permanent tax on everyone and everything. It impacts lower-income earners hardest.

Seven productivity tips from billionaires

There’s one thing for certain, we all have the same amount of time each day. How is it then that some people seem to accomplish more, sometimes even while doing less, in their lives? You need to focus on working smarter.